GME > GME 수학평가원

GME 수학평가원 G. Mathematics Evaluation Institute

GME 수학평가원은 우수한 평가 문항 개발과 과학적 통계 분석 기법을
통해 학생의 수학 학습능력 향상을 위한 평가도구 개발에 선도하는
수학평가 전문 연구기관입니다.

학습으로의 평가, GME Assessment as learning, GME

The idea that assessment is intrinsic to effective instruction is traced from early experiments in the individualization of learning through the work of Benjamin Bloom to reviews of the impact of feedback on learners in classrooms. While many of these reviews detailed the adverse impact of assessment on learning, they also indicated that under certain conditions assessment had considerable potential to enhance learning.

It is shown that understanding the impact that assessment has on learning requires a broader focus than the feedback intervention itself, particularly the learner‟s responses to the feedback, and the learning milieu in which the feedback operates. Different definitions of the terms “formative assessment” and “assessment for learning” are discussed, and subsumed within a broad definition that focuses on the extent to which instructional decisions are supported by evidence. The paper concludes by exploring some of the consequences of this definition for classroom practice.

GME 비전 GME Vision
핵심 가치 Core Values
  • 1. 학습 발달을 위한 평가
  • 2. 학생 중심의 교육 가치
  • 3. 수학 평가의 혁신 선도
연구 목표 Research Objectives
  • 1. 평가를 통해 수학 학습능력을 신장시키는 평가도구 개발
  • 2. 교과 학습 및 진로 지도에 유용한 평가분석 자료 개발
  • 3. 4차 산업시대 미래인재 학습능력 평가를 위한 측정도구 개발
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